(H) Cirugía Facial


Hair Transplant

Hair Transplant: Effective Solution for Hormonal Hair Loss

If you are a man experiencing hair loss due to hormonal factors, a hair transplant might be the ideal solution to restore your hair density. This procedure, also known as hair grafting, utilizes advanced techniques to transplant healthy hair follicles to the affected areas of your scalp.

Before performing a hair transplant, a thorough physical evaluation is crucial. This evaluation helps determine the exact cause of your hair loss and the best technique for the hair transplant. Each case is unique, and an accurate assessment ensures that the hair grafting matches your specific needs.

The hair transplant generally involves two main techniques: Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT). Both techniques have their benefits, and the choice depends on your particular situation. A physical evaluation by a specialized surgeon is essential to select the appropriate technique.

In addition to the hair transplant, considering complementary dermatological treatment is important. This treatment may include topical or systemic medications to support hair growth and enhance the results of the hair grafting.

In summary, hair transplant offers an effective solution for hormonal hair loss. A comprehensive physical evaluation and proper dermatological treatment are essential to achieve the best possible results with hair grafting.




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