(M) Cirugía Corporal


Breast Implants

Breast augmentation with implants is one of the most requested procedures by women in Guadalajara, Mexico, who seek to enhance their appearance and confidence. This process involves the placement of breast implants to increase the size and improve the shape of the breasts, achieving a more attractive profile that aligns with each patient’s aesthetic desires.

It is crucial for any woman interested in a breast augmentation with implants to undergo a thorough physical evaluation. This assessment helps determine the best option for breast implants based on the patient’s anatomy and personal expectations. During the consultation, the selection of the implant type, which can be round or teardrop (also known as anatomical), is discussed.

Round breast implants are ideal for those seeking a fuller upper breast, creating a more pronounced appearance. On the other hand, teardrop implants offer a more natural result, with greater projection at the lower part of the breast, mimicking the breast’s natural shape.

In addition to shape, implant size is another critical aspect of breast augmentation with implants. The size choice should be based on the patient’s body structure and aesthetic desires. It is important not only to consider the desired appearance but also the proportion and balance of the body to achieve harmonious results.

Remember that every woman is unique, and a personalized physical evaluation is vital for the best outcomes in breast augmentation with implants. This evaluation ensures that the procedure is safe and that the final result meets the patient’s expectations, enhancing her beauty in a natural and proportionate way.


Before & After

Questions and answers

Recovery time depends on the surgery type, implant type and the way it is placed. In general, submuscular implants carry a period of 15 days, while subfascial or subglandular implants only require 7-10 days of recovery. After this time you can carry out your normal activities little by little, with the exception of sports and sleeping on your stomach, which you will be able to do after approximately two months.

No. As we mentioned before, implants can be classified by their filling (saline solution, silicone or polyurethane gel), but we also find two shapes: anatomical and round or ergonomic.

Schedule your assessment appointment with Dr. Gordillo to find out what type of breast implant is right for you.

In general, a good candidate is characterized by:

  • Being in good general health
  • Have completed the breast development
  • Not be pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Inform the surgeon in case of chronic diseases
  • Realistic expectations about the results of breast augmentation surgery
  • Willingness to stop smoking, follow recovery period and aftercare

Of course! The manufacturing materials of breast implants do not prevent lactation and do not mix with breast milk, so there is no associated risk. However, the type of implant placement can have an influence, since those placed by the areola can reduce the production of breast milk.

Consult with Dr. Gordillo the possibility of breastfeeding your future children to choose the implant that best suits your requirements.

The chance of a breast implant breaking is extremely low. The implants do not break due to pressure or physical activities. And should they break, the material doesn’t mix with body tissues and can be removed surgically without serious risk.

Breast implants need to be changed after a few years, on average 10-15 years. In general, there is no established time since this depends on the material of the implant, its condition, and if there have been changes in the breast.

Yes, and in fact it is very important to detect any abnormality in the breasts. The placement of implants is not a risk of cancer or associated diseases, but you should continue doing routine tests. Ideally annually.

In the US, a breast augmentation surgery can cost an average of $8,000 USD, which must be covered by the patient since they are not covered by health insurance plans. In comparison, in Mexico you will find specialists like Dr. Gordillo with up to 60% savings, surgeries performed by certified surgeons, with innovative techniques and cutting edge technology to offer the best results.