(M) Cirugía Corporal



Breast lifting with or without implants is a popular procedure for women looking to enhance the appearance of their breasts. This treatment can rejuvenate the breast contour, whether you choose breast lifting with implants or without them. The choice of technique and implant type, whether round or teardrop-shaped, is crucial for achieving optimal results.

In a breast lift with implants, the surgeon will select the size and shape of the implant based on each patient’s anatomy and aesthetic desires. Round implants provide a fuller profile and more noticeable projection, while teardrop implants offer a more natural appearance and smoother shape.

Physical evaluation is essential before performing a breast lift with or without implants. The surgeon will assess the degree of tissue descent and the areola-nipple complex to determine the most suitable technique. In some cases, a breast lift with implants may be necessary to achieve the desired position and shape, while in other cases, a lift without implants may be sufficient.

Each patient is unique, and the chosen technique will depend on their specific needs and anatomy. A breast lift with or without implants can offer spectacular results when performed with precision and attention to detail.


Before & After

Questions and answers

During the procedure, the surgeon will remove the skin from the breasts to reshape the breast tissue. There are 4 techniques for the breast lift procedure, which can be chosen based on the quality of the breast tissue, the type of skin and the size of the areola in relation to the distance from the neck:

  • Incision around the areola or breast fold. It is recommended for mild breast sagging or for pseudoptosis; where skin or glandular tissue will not be removed and the lift is 1.5 cm.
  • Vertical incision of the areola. Recommended for more advanced breast ptosis where a 2cm lift is required
  • Mini T incision (vertical and horizontal) in the areola. A vertical incision is made in the areola and a horizontal one in the mammary fold. It is recommended for breasts with a greater degree of skin laxity and atrophy of the mammary gland for a lift of 3 to 5 cm. It is also recommended when, in addition to the breast lift, implants will be placed, which is why it is known as augmentation mastopexy.
  • Inverted T-shaped or anchor incision. It is the necessary incision to lift breasts with a degree of severe ptosis in which adipose and glandular tissue must be removed, in addition to a lift of more than 5 cm. This surgery is known as reduction mastopexy.

In the United States, the average cost of a breast lift is $5,012 USD, according to 2020 statistics from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. On the other hand, in Mexican clinics you will find savings of more than 50% since the average cost of the breast lift in Mexico is $2,400 USD.

It depends on the case. A breast lift with breast reconstruction can be more expensive. For this reason it is important to visit the surgeon for a prior assessment.

With the use of general anesthesia and surgeon-recommended pain medications, patients feel no pain; only discomfort from aftercare limitations.

Recovery depends on each body. However, it is estimated that recovery can be considered complete 6 weeks after surgery; since this is the time when the bruising and swelling of the breasts resolve.

It is recommended to start taking short walks on the second day after the procedure, but exercises such as running should be avoided until after two or three weeks. If you practice weights or a higher intensity sport, you can return after 6 to 8 weeks.

After 10 days you can return to your normal activities, taking care not to make excessive efforts.

Yes. Initially, the scars are red and may be inflamed, but they will become less visible over time until it becomes a fine white line that is easy to hide with a bra. The use of creams and sunscreen will help you have better healing. On the other hand, women smokers may have healing problems since tobacco slows down this process.If you are looking for a breast lift specialist in Mexico, Dr. Juan Gordillo is the best option for you. Schedule your assessment appointment.