
woman with russian lips

Russian Lips, the latest in aesthetic technique

Voluminous, thick and well-defined lips are synonymous with sensuality, youth and beauty. For many years, the search for techniques to increase the lip’s has become a trend, from outlining them outside the natural border, to injections to increase size and correct or improve the mouth’s shape.

If you are looking for a way to thicken and define your lips, the russian lips are for you, and then we will tell you what this innovative treatment is about.

What are Russian lips?

The Russian lip technique consists of a dermal filler injection (hyaluronic acid) to increase the volume of the lip at the edges in order to prevent them from projecting forward excessively and thus not obtaining the “duck mouth” effect. With Russian lips, the contours of the lip are preserved, since they are only sought to accentuate them, leaving the cupid’s bow that gives it a sensual shape with more harmonious contours and volumes, similar to that of Russian dolls, from which it receives its name.

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The Russian lip style has become very popular in Europe and America, especially in Russia, where it began to be used to recreate the shape of doll lips with an accent cupid’s bow. Although volume can be given, it is not meant to be excessive so as not to create a radical and unnatural change.

What differentiates this technique from others?

Traditional techniques focus on lip augmentation with horizontal injections in the center, so they often leave a pouty, or duck mouthed, appearance that looks a bit artificial and it’s easy to notice the increase in volume; especially if other procedures are performed on the face, such as cheek augmentation or a bichectomy. Although it is common to use the same hyaluronic acid fillers, the way of giving the injections is concentrated in the upper area of the mouth to give it greater projection and change the shape, which is why many people lose the cupid’s bow.

Instead, the russian lips provide a more natural appearance, which seeks to bring out the best version of each person. Unlike other techniques, Russian lips provide a flatter appearance, which matches the natural features of the mouth, but with greater volume and with that “juicy” and fleshy appearance that adds sensuality to the entire face.

The application of the Russian lips is focused on the superficial area of the edge of the mouth, but without touching the lip profile, in addition to thickening and raising the lip through filler injections, but without projecting it excessively forward so as not to have the duck mouth effect that, although it seems like a small technical detail, is very feared by people who want to have a lip augmentation with natural results, but no less spectacular for that.

How is it the procedure performed?

You must arrive at Dr. Gordillo’s clinic without makeup, preferably after having showered so that you do not have residue. Even so, the doctor will clean the area and finish removing the makeup and dead cells remains from your skin.

They will apply an anesthetic cream and local ice to the area to be treated so that you do not feel discomfort.

The doctor will apply the dermal filler through microinjections, which may cause some discomfort, but are tolerable.

At the end, your lips will probably feel very swollen and look more voluminous than you wanted. But this swelling will gradually subside over a period of about three or four days. It’s also likely that your lips are purple and a bit sensitive.

How long do Russian lips last?

Dermal fillers do not last forever. The effect gradually disappears in approximately 9-12 months, and after this time you can return to Dr. Gordillo to repeat the treatment.

If you wish, you can go after the sixth month for a touch up so that the filler effects last longer.

How much do Russian lips cost?

Russian lips cost around 550-700 dollars in the United States, and in Mexico it costs approximately 250-300 dollars, that is, a cost of less than 50%. Depending on the clinic where you go, Russian lips cost between $5,000 and $7,000 Mexican pesos.

We suggest you go to a specialist in Plastic Surgery so that they perform the russian lips technique according to the features of your face and without causing nerve damage. When it comes to lip fillers, less is more and the experience of a surgeon is key to having natural and suitable results for your face.

Why in Mexico?

If you live in the United States and are looking for a more affordable option for plastic surgery, Mexico is the ideal destination. Here you will find certified plastic surgeons, highly trained for all types of surgeries. In private clinics with innovative procedures, state-of-the-art technology, materials and medications approved by the FDA, bilingual staff, many options for lodging and, the best: savings of up to 70% compared to plastic surgeries in the US.

Enjoy sensual and fuller lips with a natural appearance. Schedule your assessment appointment with Dr. Gordillo, plastic surgeon in Guadalajara, expert in mommy makeover, abdominoplasty and breast reduction. Contact us through our form or through the WhatsApp button to schedule your appointment, or call us at 3338133228, we will gladly assist you.

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